What is the Cost of Entertainment in London?

Planning a trip to London? Learn how much it costs for food, accommodation, attractions and entertainment so you can better budget your trip.

What is the Cost of Entertainment in London?

London is a vibrant and exciting city, but it can be expensive to visit. In this article, we'll discuss the estimated costs of food, accommodation, attractions, alcohol, and other activities so you can better budget your trip to London. England isn't traditionally known for its good food, but London has a world-renowned dining scene. Travelers on a budget will have to stick to the basics, and even so, food isn't cheap.

If you're on a tight budget, you might want to cook for yourself as much as possible. Check out our Guide to London on a Budget for some great affordable restaurants. Public transport in London can be expensive and confusing. Consider buying an Oyster card (a rechargeable travel card) to save money.

Hostels are scattered all over the city and all the competition helps keep prices a little low, but you still shouldn't expect cheap prices. Don't expect much from budget hotels either, as most are small, rundown and dirty. Renting an apartment can be a very attractive option if you are traveling with two or more people. Entertainment and activities in London typically cost an average of £26 per person per day.

This includes fees paid for tickets to museums and attractions, day trips and other tourist expenses. If you're splitting this cost between two people, it can actually be quite affordable to stay in London. London has some great deals that can help reduce the cost of sightseeing in the city. From healthcare to entertainment to housing, here's what you need to know about the cost of living in London.

Renting a private room through Airbnb is an incredibly popular and cost-effective way to reduce the total cost of traveling to London. Based on the spending habits of previous travelers, when going out to dinner, a normal meal in London should cost around £11 per person. Some of London's best attraction packages are for popular entertainment venues such as Shrek's Adventure, Madame Tussauds, Seal Life Aquarium, and the London Zoo. However, if you plan to keep the average cost of your trip to London low, you don't need to budget more than £10-15 a day on activities.

Lynda Cox
Lynda Cox

General tv aficionado. Hardcore food buff. Hipster-friendly food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Total internet junkie. Proud internet geek.

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