What is the Cost of Groceries in London?

Find out how much it costs to live in London, from what a pint costs to how much you'll pay for a one-bedroom apartment. Learn about cost-saving strategies and entertainment options that won't break the bank.

What is the Cost of Groceries in London?

Living in London can be expensive, especially when it comes to groceries. While food is generally affordable, drinks can be quite pricey. A pint of beer can cost up to 6 pounds and a cocktail can be as much as 12 pounds. On average, a person spends 29 pounds a day on food in London.

When dining out, the average cost of a meal is 11 pounds per person. Breakfast is usually cheaper than lunch or dinner. Prices at restaurants with seating capacity are usually higher than those of fast food or street food. To get an idea of the cost of living in London, from the price of a pint to the cost of a one-bedroom apartment, read on.

In the UK, shared housing and public transport are two great ways to save money. Eating out in London can be expensive, so try to limit your meals away from home and buy groceries instead. In addition to the more obvious costs, there are other small expenses that can add up quickly. If you live outside of London, you can save even more money on accommodation and daily living expenses.

With careful planning and cost-saving strategies, living in England or the rest of the UK doesn't have to break the bank. There are plenty of entertainment options in London that cost little or nothing, so don't let money worries stress you out.

Lynda Cox
Lynda Cox

General tv aficionado. Hardcore food buff. Hipster-friendly food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Total internet junkie. Proud internet geek.

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